Illustration by Amy Forsyth for the AllTURNatives exhibit opening.
Scholar in Residence - Windgate ITE Fellowship - Center for Art in Wood - Summer 2019
In the Summer of 2019, I spent a week as the Scholar in Residence for the Center for Art in Wood's Windgate ITE Fellowship Program. The studio based residency brought an international group of wood based artisans together for dialogue, making, and experimentation. As documentary observer, I worked closely with Amy Forsyth (Illustrator in Residence) to move between work stations to capture the inspirations and interactions of the artists’ creative process in real time. At the close of my week’s stay, I recorded fifteen minute conversations with each artist. Selected quotes from these conversations were juxtaposed with Amy's illustrations for slideshow presentation for the gallery space and as content for the text for the allTURNatives exhibit catalog. My goal in providing this material was to bring the context of the studio experience into the gallery space to further enliven the artists' works. The recorded interviews and transcripts will serve as an oral history for the Center for Art in Wood's archives. My thanks to participating artists Per Brandsted, Hartmut Rademan, Jacob Zimmermann, Joshua Enck, Heide Martin, Ellie Richards, and Amy Forsyth for sharing their finite studio time with me to facilitate this project. Special thanks to the Center for Art in Wood staff, especially Karen Schoenwald (Registrar), for their hospitality and assistance during the residency.
Photograph by John Carlano of the gallery space at the Center for Art in Wood.